"Certain bodies are imagined as needing protection, care, and interventions, and other bodies are imagined as entitled to do that labour."
My work here seeks to understand the way disability is employed to work towards the construction of normative subject-making in the field of International Experiential and Service Learning and Global Citizen Education (IESL and GCE). I theorize the way disability is constructed and responded to in IESL and GCE programs through interventions in the lives of disabled people. I explore how certain bodies are imagined as needing protection, care and interventions and other bodies are imagined as entitled to do that labour. I argue that these pedagogical processes reproduce certain subjectivities under Capital, and I query the ways in which the imagined Southern disabled body is integral in constituting Northerners' able-bodied global citizenship identity.
This study takes up two broad fields of inquiry. Firstly, I ask how disability is utilized in the broad mainstream neoliberal field of IESL and GCE programs as a depoliticized and individualized fixed identity embodied in an imagined Southern othered body that can be cared for, intervened on and helped to constitute the imagined able-bodied, caring, benevolent, and helping global citizen from the North. I then work through alternative ways of imagining the Southern disabled other, through interviews with Northern student participants and mentors.

Encounters with Disability and Disablement in TSL
Dr. Jessica Vorstermans

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