A year or so into the pandemic, Katie and I approached the Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning and proposed a special issue on ruptures to service learning. we were thinking a lot about ways that the multiple crises of COVID, racism, ableism and social inequity were cracking open new spaces for deep critical thinking and praxis.
The special section just came out and we invite you to read it here!
One of the pieces in the special section is a collaborative conversation between us and Richard Kiely and Eric Hartman. It was such a gift to sit together, across time and space, and think, converse and write together. We sometimes agreed and sometimes didn't and sat with each others contributions, responding when we were ready. Our conversations always brought us back to reflexivity and relationality; ways our thinking and responses are shaped by our own social locations, all four of us being white scholars, and ways that we have engaged and continue to engage in service learning as a deeply relational process.
We would love to hear what this piece brings up for you! Leave us a comment below! peace,
Jessica and Katie